Academic year 2024/25 will start on 9 September 2024
The Autumn Semester orientation programmes will take place from 10-13 September. Registration is necessary - https://forms.gle/ZKSaJzFwfk82cDUy6.
PLANNED Programme in Gödöllő:
10 September
9:30 - 10:00 Registration, welcome snacks
10:00 Welcome ceremony and meeting the international staff
Venue: Szent István Campus Gödöllő, Szent-Györgyi Albert utca 4-6. Knowledge Transfer Centre (TK), Conference Room #9, ground floor
The event can be followed online as an MS live event. In case the linked word does not work, click on this link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NzFhMDliY2ItOTc1Ni00MzQ2LTliNmMtNThhMzE4MjRhMWU0%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22b6ad7b0a-cc14-418c-8492-54b2753f96a4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2246fa5558-82b0-4e39-99c5-9b8f71f25d4a%22%7d
Programme: Welcome speeches by the Vice-Rector of International Affairs, by the Director-General for International Relations and Development, Head of International Relations Centre, head mentors, an introduction to the Hungarian Startup University Program
11: 30 Group photo in the conference room or in front of the Museum building
11: 30 Erasmus Exchange Students Practicalities
Venue: Szent István Campus Gödöllő, Szent-Györgyi Albert utca 4-6./ Páter Károly u. 1., Knowledge Transfer Centre (TK), Conference Room #9, ground floor
14:00 Campus Tour in Szent István Campus
Meeting point: in front of SZIC Main building, at the entrance
Depending on the number of students, there might be more groups!
11 September
Venue: Gödöllő Royal Palace - Lovarda (Riding Hall); Meeting point: 7:15 am in front of the Dorm, Building B
10:30 Neptun Training
Venue: Szent István Campus, MIK Room 14; Meeting point: in front of the Dorm, Building B
14:00 Visit in SZIA Agroecological Garden (Meet the Volunteers)
Meeting point: in front of SZIC Main building, at the entrance
15:00 How to survive in Hungary - Practicalities by mentors
Venue: Szent István Campus Gödöllő, Szent-Györgyi Albert utca 4-6. Knowledge Transfer Centre (TK), Conference Room #9, ground floor
For those who will not be able to attend the event, the presentations will be available below:
Welcome to Hungary by Yassine Zaghdoudi Mohamed
Finding a job in Hungary by Abdelrhman Ayman Mohamed Mohamed Hamad
12 September - Day of Hungarian Culture
10:00 Visit in the Museum of History of Agricultural Equipment and Machine Development, English - guided tours in several groups
14:00 Visit in Gödöllő Royal Palace – park, inner court, Baroque Theatre and more
15:00 MATE-Forduló Folk Dance Ensemble - Hungarian dances at the court of the Royal Palace, Hungarian dance house – Join in and try Hungarian folk dance steps yourself.
13 September - Administration Day
Venue: Szent István Campus Gödöllő, MIK building.
9:00 - Stipendium Hungaricum Practicalities by Ms. Kánai Csilla SH Institutional Coordinator in Room 25, second floor.
9:15 - Practical Matters by Ms. Judit Tallárom-Czingili in Room 25, second floor.
9:30-12:00 - NON-EDUCATIONAL administration (possible ONLY AFTER registration for the semester in person!)
Meet the representatives of OTP Bank, Governmental Office (NEK data sheet) and Tax Authorities; preparation of health insurance, student ID application, tax ID application and bank account opening procedures. Clarification of procedures at the Immigration Office for NON-VISA country citizens. Receipt of residence permits of D visa citizens.
Meet your institutional coordinator - SCYP and FAO students have an extra chance to share scholarship issues with their own coordinator.
24 September - Mental Health workshop
27 September - Administration Day 2
4 October - Administration Day 3
11 October - Administration Day 4
Venue: Szent István Campus Gödöllő, Szent-Györgyi Albert utca 4-6. Knowledge Transfer Centre (TK), Conference Room #9, ground floor
9:00-12:00 - NON-EDUCATIONAL administration (possible ONLY AFTER registration for the semester in person!)
Meet the representatives of OTP Bank, Governmental Office (NEK data sheet); preparation of health insurance, student ID application, tax ID application and bank account opening procedures. Clarification of procedures at the Immigration Office for NON-VISA country citizens. Receipt of residence permits of D visa citizens.
Lecture Period: (13 weeks) 9 September 2024. !For freshmen from 16 September 2024!
Exam Period: (6 weeks)
Date: 12 September
Orientation dedicated only for first-year full degree international students and exchange students of Buda Campus will take place on 12 September, between 9-12 am on Buda Campus, building K, Ceremony Hall
Registration: 9:00 - 9:30 am - Buda Campus, building K, Ceremony Hall
Informative session: 9:30
- Introduction of international staff of Buda Campus
- Non-educational administrative duties of newcomers (residence permit, health insurance, TAX ID, Student ID)
- Scholarship Practicalities
- Introduction of the Student Union, ESN and SH mentors, dorm mentors
- Survival tips by senior international students
- International life at Buda Campus - Events of the semester
In the afternoon (14:00-16:00 pm) international students of Buda Campus are welcome to join the Day of Hungarian Culture held in Gödöllő (free of charge, but the visit of Gödöllő Royal Palace is only for preregistered students).
Meeting time and point: at 12:45 in Keleti Railway Station. All participants are responsible for buying their own train tickets.
KAPOSVÁR CAMPUS - Welcome Orientation Info Day
Date: 24 September
- Welcome speech of Kaposvár International Coordinator
- Introduction by the Dorm Coordinator
- Information on Educational Obligation by the Registrar's Office
Date: 9 September
Location: MATE Károly Róbert Campus, 3200 Gyöngyös, Mátrai u. 36. Room 2.208
11.50 – Welcome speech - Dr. Zoltán Bujdosó campus director
12.00 – Welcome speech - Dr. Edith Pallás, Tourism and Catering Bachelor's degree program coordinator
12.10 – Welcome speech - Dr. Ilona Eszter Tóth, head of Business Development Master's Program
12.20 – Presentation of the Students' Government - Anna Bazsó Foreign Affairs officer HÖK
12.30 – Information on educational obligations - Ildikó Végh, Head of the Registrar’s Office
13.15 – Registration
Date: 26 September