SDG 2 - Zero Hunger - Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
SDG 2 - Zero Hunger
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SDG 2 - Zero Hunger
Last modified: 09. November 2024
Our research and outreach programs aim to boost agricultural productivity, improve food distribution systems, and promote nutritional awareness. We firmly believe that by equipping future generations with the knowledge and skills needed to address global food security issues, we can contribute to the achievement of SDG 2. Moreover, through collaborations with international partners and local stakeholders, we are actively engaged in finding innovative solutions to eliminate hunger, not just in Hungary but also in the broader global context.
MATE's greatest contribution to the achievement of Zero Hunger/Food Security at the societal level is its 50 years of being a key training centre for key professionals in the field of food production and thus food security, food engineers and food safety and quality engineers. In addition, it is a strategic partner of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) and at least two of its 13 research groups under the Priority Research Groups Programme focus on Agri-Food by-product and waste valorisation. And it is involved in the health aspect by running an MSc programme in Nutrition jointly with Semmelweis University.
For detailed information see the topics by clicking on the chapters:
2.1. Student food insecurity and hunger
2.2. Interventions to students and staff hunger
2.3. Sustainable food choices on campus
2.4. Healthy and affordable food choices
2.5 Staff hunger interventions
3.1. Access to food security knowledge
3.2. Events for local farmers and food producers
3.3. University access to local farmers and food producers
3.4. Sustainable food purchases
We at MATE are committed to managing food and biological waste in the most environmentally friendly way possible and finding various ways of utilizing all kinds of waste and agricultural byproducts. Therefore, we have realized various projects both in research and practical applications to achieve these objectives. Among others we collect and recycle used cooking oil in our canteens and separate waste on our campuses.
Our university takes responsibility for sustainable development: it participates in the preparation and implementation of recommendations and strategies for the development of agriculture and food production at the societal level, in cooperation with ministries and public authorities. In this context, MATE has played a leading role in the development of the Digital Agricultural Strategy and the Digital Food Strategy:, and has participated in its implementation in collaboration with several universities and organisations: In this way, it has effectively contributed to more sustainable food production and waste reduction at societal level.
In the next part we are introducing our projects we are working on managing food and biological waste.
A new waste management system at MATE
In spring 2022, a new waste management system was implemented at MATE Szent István Campus. In the new system, implemented with the support of the KEHOP-3.2.1-15-2021-00037 project entitled "Preparatory tasks for the transition to a circular economy for agricultural and green waste", biodegradable waste has been collected separately on the Campus from autumn 2023, and then treated and used on the Campus. This decentralised system is a world first, and MATE is continuing the high quality of work that has helped it to maintain its international ranking among agricultural universities. It also serves as a demonstration site for good practice in the circular economy for biological waste and by-products. (in Hungarian) (We can also find a composting guide on the site.)
About the project “Preparatory tasks for the transition to a circular economy for agricultural and green waste”
The European Parliament's Circular Economy Action Plan, adopted in 2018, mandated separate bio-waste collection by the end of 2023, aiming to keep resources like food, waste, and water in the economic cycle. In line with this, the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences, through project KEHOP-3.2.1-15-2021-00037, was advancing Hungary’s shift toward a circular economy, focusing on agricultural and green waste reduction at the Szent István Campus.
The project seeked to foster agricultural innovation in Hungary, supporting the development of a circular, biomass-based agricultural model. A central feature is the Centre for Circular Economy Analysis and Knowledge, a multidisciplinary hub for circular economy research across campuses. Key initiatives include strategies to reduce food waste, development of advanced bio-waste management techniques like aerobic treatment for soil health, and renewable energy sources such as anaerobic digestion. Emerging technologies like bio-hydrogen production and hydrothermal carbonization are also in focus.
Additionally, the project will contribute to updating Hungary’s legislative framework for sustainable practices and demonstrate biodegradable waste management on campus. Composting initiatives involve students in community composting training and practices, with kitchen and farm waste processed through pilot composters. The finished compost improves campus soil management, aiming to close the bio-waste loop with quality assurance measures in place for the end product. (in Hungarian)
Centre for Circular Economy Analysis and Knowledge
The Centre for Circular Economy Analysis and Knowledge, established by the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences (MATE), is an internationally unique centre for the assessment and local recovery of all biodegradable waste generated on the Gödöllő campus, and for the sharing of the latest knowledge on circular economy. The main objective of the circular economy is to minimise waste and to preserve and maintain the value of products, materials and resources used in the economy for as long as possible, in line with the European Green Deal and its Action Plan. The new MATE Knowledge Centre contributes to achieving this more effectively at home.ír/-/content-viewer/korforgasostk/20123
2.1. Student food insecurity and hunger
MATE considers it important to have reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food, therefore provides access to different food services (e.g. canteens, restaurants, buffets) on the campuses. Most of the places offer discounts for students or provide a multi-course daily menu for everyone (students and staff as well). See the list of the services later.
The university campuses also provide adequately equipped communal spaces (with microwave, tables, chairs, crockery, glasses, cutlery, etc.) where students can heat and eat food brought from home. E.g. Nestlé Mini Bisztró provides affordable meals for students on Buda campus (the bistro has been open since 2019:
In addition to all this, MATE is also involved in projects that provide educational support for the special dietary consumer market:
Gastrotop-project (HUHR/1901/4.1.1/0058): “Comprehensive educational support of food-service providers facilitating demand on emerging special dietary restrictions consumer market”
“The overall objective of the project is to improve the accessibility of training in the field of consumer market for special dietary restrictions, develop and implement training programmes, creative student camps - workshops, panel discussions for students, entrepreneurs and academia, as well as an innovation student workshop in the food production segment, a competition for ideas for tourism product packages for specific dietary needs, a workshop on different dietary approaches/trends, training on how to prepare "free" meals. The specific objectives are to develop specific training programmes for students and to deliver training courses to improve the professional skills of students interested in food tourism and of the trainers or trainers who teach the courses. To contribute to the promotion of the food tourism business thinking of the young generation through innovative solutions. "
Events: "free" cooking training and cooking courses:
Workshop study: Market opportunities for "Free from" products
In addition to these, our university is connected to the Gödöllő-based Hungarian Food Bank Association that locate and collect surplus food to deliver to those in need, reducing food waste and deprivation.ép-helyi-élelmiszerek-gyűtőpontja-100057614583108
As a part of the programme in place on student food insecurity, MATE offers social-based scholarships which support students with social needs. You can find the details in the following document (in Hungarian): Organisational and Operational Rules of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences – volume III: Student Requirements - III.2. Student Allowances and Reimbursements (February 1, 2021), page 25:
2.2. Interventions to students and staff hunger
MATE provides interventions to prevent or alleviate hunger among students and staff (e.g., including supply and access to food banks/pantries) by summarizing the available options and making them public. Summaries of the available dining options (restaurants, canteens, etc.) on our campuses are also provided.
For example, for the Georgikon Campus in Keszthely, there is a website for it (in Hungarian):ák-éttermek
On the Budai Campus (KERTI) there is also a website providing information for students about restaurants, canteens close by (in Hungarian):étkezés
In addition to the regularly available canteens, restaurants, buffets, our campuses also offer the opportunity to buy vegetables, fruits and food produced by our university teaching farms and partner farmers in the form of a "local market", promoting the consumption of local food and REL food supply (Short Food Supply Chains).
There is also an event organized every year for international students entitled “Cultures, Colours, Flavours - International Dinner”. In spring 2023, beside the Hungarian table, nine nations prepared and served their national dishes including Algeria, Brazil, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Laos, Pakistan, Palestine, Mongolia.
2.3. Sustainable food choices on campus
MATE considers it important to provide trusted sources ingredients, contribute to thriving local economies and sustainable livelihoods and also to establish trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency and respect. This is the reason that at all the campuses we can find trusted food providers and services. It is also essential for the university to have more and more places where students and staff have vegetarian and vegan food options as well.
At the Campus Bistro on Szent István Campus in Gödöllő, there are 4 menu options (menu A-D) included a vegetarian one:
Amenza has a permanent vegetarian menu under "Other offers":
In 2020, SZIA Agroecological Garden of MATE was established through a student initiative in the MATE that applies the principles of agroecology and works at a food system level. The garden places special attention to the social dimension of agroecology which includes access to fresh, healthy and diverse food, building a strong student community, creation and exchange of knowledge and food culture.
2.4. Healthy and affordable food choices
We can find healthy and affordable food choices on the campuses. Most of the restaurants offer a daily menu, which is significantly cheaper than a regular meal, and we can always choose a healthy alternative.
On the Gödöllő Campus, the Campus Bistro provides a student menu at a reduced price.
At Amenza, one can dine below market prices with discounted menu combinations available to all.
At the Károly Róbert Restaurant at the Károly Róbert Campus in Gyöngyös we can buy a two-course menu for 1500-1800 Ft.
There are affordable food choices in Campus Étterem at the Kaposvári Campus in Kaposvár, where the 2 course (soup + main course) daily menu is for 1950 HUF, and we have healthy options as steamed vegetables or steamed rice:
2.5 Staff hunger interventions
The options listed above are also available to university staff, ensuring they have access to healthy and affordable meals and healthy food on the campuses. Most of the restaurants offer a daily menu, which is significantly cheaper than a regular meal, and we can always choose a healthy alternative.
On the Gödöllő Campus, the Campus Bistro provides menus at a reduced price.
At Amenza, one can dine below market prices with discounted menu combinations available to all.
At the Károly Róbert Restaurant at the Károly Róbert Campus in Gyöngyös we can buy a two-course menu for 1500-1800 Ft.
There are affordable food choices in Campus Étterem at the Kaposvári Campus in Kaposvár, where the 2 course (soup + main course) daily menu is for 1950 HUF, and we have healthy options as steamed vegetables or steamed rice:
3.1. Access to food security knowledge
MATE provides access on food security and sustainable agriculture and aquaculture knowledge, skills or technology by specialized trainings, adult education courses and part-time/ distance learning courses where students can attend classes on Friday afternoons and Saturdays. This construction makes these learning opportunities particularly suitable for full-time workers (local farmers and food producers as well).
Specialised trainings:ányú-továbbképzéseképzések
Adult education courses (by the Centre for Adult Education and Counselling):
In Hungary, the Adult Education Act provides an opportunity for members of society to meet the challenges of economic, cultural and technological development. They can train themselves continuously, regardless of their age. For more than twenty years, the Centre for Adult Education and Counselling has been providing lifelong learning opportunities for those who have found the potential in learning and knowledge. The training portfolio is continuously renewed.őttképzés
Part-time/ distance learning courses:
MATE AGRI-FOOD (Centre for Agricultural and Food Science Training):éléves-mesterképzéseink/agri-food
3.2. Events for local farmers and food producers
An event for a wide audience (among others for local farmers and food producers to connect and transfer knowledge) is the Kaposvári Állattenyésztési Napok (KÁN) - Kaposvár Animal Breeding Days held annually at the Kaposvár Campus of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences in Kaposvár. The professional meeting of Hungarian livestock breeding also showcases dairy and beef cattle, sheep, goats, horses, poultry and a variety of small animals, which are on display for the public to admire. The organisers always prepare interactive, audience-friendly programmes to help visitors better understand how animal products are used and their impact on both the human body and the environment. Interesting stands, exhibition spaces, and programmes, along with the well-known high-quality professional conferences, provides a true experience for everyone—from casual visitors to experts in the agricultural field.
Hackathon 2022
"The second E³UDRES² Hackathon 2022, an international ideas contest, coordinated by the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, was held with around 150 international participants, where students, different agricultural stakeholders (e.g. farmers, food producers), business experts and researchers jointly searched for solutions to EU challenges such as sustainable food production or the industrial application of digital technologies. The top prize was awarded to Team eFISHient, made up of a Portuguese, three Belgian and two MATE students, who came up with a proposal for a new food product based on alternative proteins.""
In addition, every semester MATE organizes various fairs and events where producers and consumers can meet and interact. Such events are organised at MATE's Horticulture Training Plant or on the Buda Campus as part of the Spring Garden Exhibitions.
Food Quality in Digital Age
MATE is part of a five-member university consortium that has been awarded a Visegrad Fund grant for the project "Food Quality in Digital Age". The regular partner visits were accompanied by participation in various professional events and stakeholder visits. These events provide an excellent opportunity to stimulate discussions and cooperation between academia and industry. For more information on the Hungarian tour, see the links below.
3.3. University access to local farmers and food producers
MATE provides access to university facilities (e.g. labs, technology, plant stocks) to local farmers and food producers to improve sustainable farming practices in the following way:
University Laboratory Centre
The University Laboratory Centre (Egyetemi Laborközpont) of the MATE was established on 1 February 2021. Within the Laboratory Centre, the Central Testing Laboratory provides laboratory testing and sampling services for both internal university and external market customers. In addition, the Laboratory Centre also performs tender, research and innovation tasks, and participates in the organisation and delivery of training courses related to its professional field. The Central Testing Laboratory has more specialisations, such as:
Agrotechnology Unit - Plant Protection Machinery Testing Group (Gödöllő), involved in accredited laboratory testing of field and plantation sprayers, as well as research and development and type-approval of sprayers for non-accredited activities,
- Agrotechnology Unit - Energy Testing Group (Gödöllő), which investigates the energy and combustion properties (e.g. elemental composition, ash content, combustion heat, calorific value, moisture content) of various solid fuel samples of biomass origin (e.g. wood chips, pellets, briquettes) and the boilers that use them,
- Agrotechnology Unit - Soil Testing Group (Gödöllő), by which soil samples are prepared and their physical properties tested,
- Agricultural Sciences Unit (Kaposvár) provides its services to the agricultural and food industry, taking into account the current legislation and other relevant regulations,
- Badacsony Wine and Viticulture Unit (Badacsonytomaj) carries out physical and chemical analyses of plant samples and wine products, with particular emphasis on the analysis of leaves for nutrients and trace elements, the determination of the maturity of grapes, the determination of the musts' nutritional values, the fermentation technology and the treatment of wines,
- ÖVKI Environmental Analysis Unit (Szarvas), provides services in the following areas: 1. Physical and chemical analysis of surface water, groundwater and wastewater, 2. Accredited sampling and on-site testing of surface water, groundwater and wastewater, 3. Physical and chemical analysis of soil and compost samples, 4. Testing of plant samples for the determination of nutrient replenishment and the availability of a reduced and extended plant test package as required under the aid schemes.
3.4. Sustainable food purchases
MATE prioritises purchase of products from local, sustainable sources both on low and high level. MATE students and staff prefer obtaining food from local markets.
SZIA Agroecological Garden of MATE (Gödöllő)
SZIA Agroecological Garden of MATE in Gödöllő is a social garden which has other tasks and functions besides agricultural production. In our case, it is education, awareness-raising, i.e. the promotion of organic gardening, ecological farming and green, environmentally sustainable lifestyles, and the presentation and dissemination of practical methods. Another important task of the social garden is to provide work and development opportunities for disadvantaged people, such as the disabled and the long-term unemployed.
The garden functions as a community space, providing space for environmental education, camps and workshops. It also serves as a venue for corporate team-building training and family days, where groups can enjoy crafts, gardening and cooking together to raise awareness of sustainability. At SZIA Garden, they practice ecological gardening and work with disabled and disabled colleagues. They sell the vegetables others help them grow to a restaurant and to the local Dombvidék Kosárközösség (Hillside Basket Society). They do not currently sell at their own "SZIA Market", but they are working on getting their customers to come to them in this way in the future.
Buda Arbortum Organic Garden - Community education and demonstration garden or “Biogarden” (Budapest)
Buda Arbor Organic Garden is an educational garden presenting the principles and practices of organic farming in the Buda Arboretum, run by the staff of the Department of Agroecology and Ecological Management (Institute of Rural Developement and Sustainable Economy, MATE -
Wild plants are also sustainable food sources. There is an educational trail on edible and collectible wild plants in Soroksár Botanical Garden. The aim is to provide a professional opportunity for students and those interested in nature to learn more about wild and edible plant species. The trail will provide a safe and professionally authentic way for everyone to learn more about the edible plants of our country's flora by visiting the living plant material. The educational trail is part of the 60-hectare Botanical Garden located in the XXIII district of Budapest, on the edge of the South Pest plain, in Soroksár Péteri major - just 20 km from the heart of the bustling city.
In addition, every semester MATE organizes various fairs and events where producers and consumers can meet and interact. Such events are organised at MATE's Horticulture Training Plant or on the Buda Campus as part of the Spring Garden Exhibitions.ény/-/content-viewer/tavaszkert-dísznövény-2023-szakkiállítás-és-vásár-április 21-23.