SDG 2 - Zero Hunger - 3.3. University access to local farmers and food producers - Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
SDG 2 - Zero Hunger
SDG 2 - Zero Hunger - 3.3. University access to local farmers and food producers
Last modified: 09. November 2024
3.3. University access to local farmers and food producers
MATE provides access to university facilities (e.g. labs, technology, plant stocks) to local farmers and food producers to improve sustainable farming practices in the following way:
The University Laboratory Centre (Egyetemi Laborközpont) of the MATE was established on 1 February 2021. Within the Laboratory Centre, the Central Testing Laboratory provides laboratory testing and sampling services for both internal university and external market customers. In addition, the Laboratory Centre also performs tender, research and innovation tasks, and participates in the organisation and delivery of training courses related to its professional field. The Central Testing Laboratory has more specialisations, such as: Agrotechnology Unit - Plant Protection Machinery Testing Group (Gödöllő), involved in accredited laboratory testing of field and plantation sprayers, as well as research and development and type-approval of sprayers for non-accredited activities,
Agrotechnology Unit - Energy Testing Group (Gödöllő), which investigates the energy and combustion properties (e.g. elemental composition, ash content, combustion heat, calorific value, moisture content) of various solid fuel samples of biomass origin (e.g. wood chips, pellets, briquettes) and the boilers that use them,
Agrotechnology Unit - Soil Testing Group (Gödöllő), by which soil samples are prepared and their physical properties tested,
Agricultural Sciences Unit (Kaposvár) provides its services to the agricultural and food industry, taking into account the current legislation and other relevant regulations,
Badacsony Wine and Viticulture Unit (Badacsonytomaj) carries out physical and chemical analyses of plant samples and wine products, with particular emphasis on the analysis of leaves for nutrients and trace elements, the determination of the maturity of grapes, the determination of the musts' nutritional values, the fermentation technology and the treatment of wines,
ÖVKI Environmental Analysis Unit (Szarvas), provides services in the following areas: 1. Physical and chemical analysis of surface water, groundwater and wastewater, 2. Accredited sampling and on-site testing of surface water, groundwater and wastewater, 3. Physical and chemical analysis of soil and compost samples, 4. Testing of plant samples for the determination of nutrient replenishment and the availability of a reduced and extended plant test package as required under the aid schemes.