SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation - 1.2. Prevention of polluted water entering the water system - Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation - 1.2. Prevention of polluted water entering the water system
Last modified: 09. November 2024
1.2. Prevention of polluted water entering the water system
MATE considers it essential to prevent polluted water entering the water system, including pollution caused by accidents and incidents at the university.
The university has contracts with various laboratories that regularly dispose of hazardous waste. In addition, the basic rules for working with chemicals include a ban on pouring any chemicals into the tap. All other types of contaminated water are sent to the DMRV Danube Regional Waterworks (DMRV Duna Menti Regionális Vízmű Zrt.):
Reducing the pollutant content of wastewater discharged into the collecting system
The Environmental Order - Környezetvédelmi Rend of the Szent István Campus (p. 13) states that the following measures should be taken for the technologies of most concern for harmful pollution: for laboratory technologies, the safety data sheets of the hazardous substances and preparations used should be consulted and the safety data sheets should be followed. Thus, as an environmentally responsible organization, we ensure that all polluted wastewater and contaminants are properly managed and directed into the appropriate collection systems to prevent any discharge into the water system. This includes measures to handle pollution caused by accidents and incidents on campus.