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Created on: 11. September 2023

emPLANT+ intake 3 Orientation at UniLaSalle

emPLANT+  Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in plant breeding

​​​​​​​The official welcome ceremony of emPLANT+ 3 intake took place during the Orientation week at the Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle, Beauvais in France on 24 August 2023. This occasion was also for closing ceremony of emPLANT+ intake 1.

Along with the consortium leader Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle, the consortium members Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences - Uppsala, University of Milan - Milan, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences - Vienna, Universitat Politècnica de València - València and Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences - Gödöllő welcomed the 3rd intake of emPLANT+, a joint master in plant breeding.