
Tartalom listázó

Created on: 11. July 2023

Closing Ceremony for our fresh FAO graduates at the Ministry of Agriculture

FAO scholarship, sponsored jointly by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture, plays major role in the international education portfolio of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences. The program has fifteen years good history aiming to provide excellent opportunity for granted international students to do their agriculture-based master studies in our country.

This July twenty-two FAO students from eleven countries have graduated at our university at four Master programs: Food safety and quality engineer, Plant Protection, Crop production engineer and Agricultural water-management engineer.

As the final official event of the scholarship program a closing ceremony was organized for the fresh engineers by the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture on July 6, 2023. As part of the program, students were greeted by Mr. Oszkár Ökrös, deputy secretary of Foreign Affairs at the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture and Tania Santivanez, Agricultural Officer on behalf of the FAO. They highlighted the importance of the program in the advancement of agricultural production and food safety in the developing regions. Then professional presentations were given by Ministry Officers. Finally, Jennifer Obirih-Opareh (Ghana) delivered farewell speech on behalf of the graduating FAO scholars.

​​​After the official part of the program a boat trip and a reception were organised, which was a worthy closure of the two-year-long education program, and it is for sure a long-lasting memory for the graduates.

​​​​​​​Hope our graduates are inspired to be new „agricultural ambassadors” of Hungary and of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences and create bridges between our countries in the future.