SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals - 2. EDUCATION FOR THE SDGS - Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals - 2. EDUCATION FOR THE SDGS
Last modified: 09. November 2024
2.1. Education for SDGs commitment to meaningful education
MATE has a commitment to meaningful education around the SDGs across the university, relevant and applicable to all students. The university provides access on the SDG-topics by degrees, specialized trainings, adult education courses and part-time/distance learning courses.
Danube Agrifood Master (DAFM)
Joint Master degree study "Sustainability in Agriculture, Food Production and Food Technology in the Danube Region" (Danube AgriFood Master – DAFM) focuses on sustainable development as competent response to the upcoming challenges of climate change and protection and promotion of livelihoods. It uses the Danube region as a model region for all riparian regions worldwide.
DAFM program aims to educate students, who are sensitive to sustainable agriculture and food production. To enhance the safety and stability of food production beside sustaining the environmental resources and eco-system services is crucial for adaptation to climate crisis, overpopulation and natural resources depletion.
The 120 ECTS joint degree MSc DAFM combines the unique expertise of the HEI-consortium to provide top-quality research-based education in sustainable agriculture, soil, water, climate, food security, food production, food technology and intellectual learning as core contents. Program provides a solid basis in all relevant disciplines from natural sciences, engineering, economics to social sciences, offering extensive opportunities for interdisciplinary approaches and intercultural communication and promotes the idea of sustainable bioeconomy.
Full partners offering the DAFM Joint Degree are the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE) (HU), the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU) (CZ), the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) (AT), the Slovak University of Agriculture Nitra (SUA) (SK), the University of Zagreb (UNIZG) (HR), the University of Novi Sad (UNS) (RS) and the University of Life Sciences „King Michael I”, Timisoara (ULST) (RO).
E³UDRES² - Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions
E³UDRES² is a European University Alliance - a network of higher education institutions located in Europe, that have decided to closely work together and collaborate in the fields of research, teaching, innovation and much more. Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE) fully engaged in E³UDRES² activities, currently holding the status of Associated Partner due to restricted access to EU funding.
Adult education courses (by the Centre for Adult Education and Counselling):
In Hungary, the Adult Education Act provides an opportunity for members of society to meet the challenges of economic, cultural and technological development. They can train themselves continuously, regardless of their age. For more than twenty years, the Centre for Adult Education and Counselling has been providing lifelong learning opportunities for those who have found the potential in learning and knowledge. The training portfolio is continuously renewed.
MATE AGRI-FOOD - Centre for Agricultural and Food Science Training provides a huge number of full-time and part-time courses (MA/MSc) in Agriculture and Food Science: