SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation - 3.3. Sustainable water extraction on campus

Last modified: 09. November 2024

3.3. Sustainable water extraction on campus

Where water is extracted (for example from aquifers, lakes or rivers) the University utilises sustainable water extraction technologies on associated university grounds on and off campus.

The quality of the water supplied from the aquifers is regularly monitored by the Environmental and Water Quality Protection Department of DMRV Zrt. (DMRV Zrt. Környezet- és Vízminőségvédelmi Osztálya) in accordance with the relevant legal requirements and the water quality testing plan approved annually by the Public Health Authority. Water quality testing is carried out partly by DMRV ZRt's accredited laboratory and partly by external accredited laboratories.

The quality of the water supplied complies with the requirements of Government Decree 201/2001 (X. 25.) on "Quality Requirements for Drinking Water and the Monitoring Procedure" ( ) and the water quality limits set out therein.