SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth - 9. Employment practice labour rights - Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth - 9. Employment practice labour rights
Last modified: 09. November 2024
9. Employment practice labour rights
MATE as a body recognises labour rights (freedom of association & collective bargaining) for all, including women & international staff. This is stated in 12/2023 (IV.03.) Rector's Instruction on Ensuring Equal Opportunities and Equal Treatment at the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences (12/2023 (IV.03.) számú rektori utasítás a Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetemen az esélyegyenlőség és az egyenlő bánásmód biztosításáról). (See it below.)
Labour rights (freedom of association and collective bargaining)
The University does not directly or indirectly discriminate against employees in relation to membership of or participation in advocacy organisations in accordance with s.21 of the Equal Treatment Act (Egyenlő bánásmód törvény 21. S). (In: chapter 5, EQUAL OPPORTUNITY OF EMPLOYEES AT THE UNIVERSITY in the section Ensuring equal opportunities for people employed by the University, p. 5).
The Senate has established an Equal Opportunities Committee to ensure equal opportunities. The 12-member Committee may request clarification and information from the relevant departments of the University on any University decision that infringes the requirement of equal access to all equal opportunities and may propose the necessary measures to remedy the infringement. In the event of any incident, decision or omission in the operation of the university that violates the requirement of equal opportunity, it may request information from the departments concerned and propose the measures necessary to remedy the violation.
The Committee is responsible for:
institutional coordination of equal opportunities;
monitoring the implementation of equal opportunities;
Developing an Equal Opportunities Plan and monitoring its implementation;
Contributing to the implementation of the Gender Equality Plan (GEP) project;
Reviewing registration applications from students with disabilities;
providing the EDJB with opinions on requests for disability-related benefits and exemptions from students with disabilities, preparing decisions;
Investigating complaints about violations of equal opportunities, forwarding the complaint to the Ethics Committee, if necessary, while informing the Rector;
monitoring the proportional representation of women and men in the functioning of the University;
detecting cases of discrimination and actions that violate the proportional representation of women and initiating their elimination;
monitoring the implementation of measures taken to improve equal opportunities for disabled university citizens and, if necessary, proposing such measures;
monitoring the implementation of equal opportunities for employees with large families, single parents or employees belonging to minorities, and proposing the elimination of any discrimination;
in particular, monitoring research and interventions targeting disadvantaged, multiply disadvantaged, ethnic minority, foreign students, disabled university students.