Student ID

Student ID

Last modified: 19. June 2024

After your arrival you will get a temporary Student ID from the Registrar’s Office. It entitles you to buy a student ticket at a discount price for public transportation incl. monthly passes, student entrance fees in exhibitions, museums, concerts etc. The temporary student ID is valid for 2 months. Before it expires, please go to the Registrar’s Office to ask for a new one. Temporary student ID is equivalent to the student card.
You can apply for permanent Student ID (student card) at Governmental Offices (Kormányhivatal – Okmányiroda) for free.

Required documents:

  • passport
  • student status certificate (in Hungarian!)

1) The officers will take a photo of you, and issue a document: a NEK data sheet with a so-called NEK code.
The student ID application should be registered in your NEPTUN account under

  • Administration / Student card request / ”Add new”

You have to type in the NEK code/identifier (NEK kód) that you can see on your NEK data sheet in the top right corner. Type without hyphens and click on SAVE.
2) Your NEK data sheet has to be uploaded into your Neptun account either in pdf or in jpeg format:

  • Information > Documents > Upload document >> Choose "NEK adatlap" from the drop-down menu >> Upload file > Save

IMPORTANT: All data, names, address etc. on your NEK data sheet should be identical with your data in NEPTUN and in your passport!

ADDRESS of the Governmental Office (KormányhivatalOkmányiroda) in GÖDÖLLŐ: Kotlán Sándor u. 1-3.











ADDRESS of the Governmental Office (KormányhivatalOkmányiroda) in BUDAPEST:  Bocskai út 39-41., 1113 Budapest











Student ID cards can be taken from your Registrar’s Officers. In Gödöllő you can get it from Ms. Judit Gordos. Make an appointment at to visit her on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, between 9:00 and 12:00.

Student ID portal

Validating Student Cards, Receiving New Student Cards – 1st semester 2023/24

The distribution of student card validation stickers for the 1st semester 2023/24 is in progress on MATE Campuses from15 October 2023. Students can receive and validate their student cards only in person. It is only the designated MATE staff member who is entitled to validate student cards by mounting stickers.

Offices and Student Hours by Campus

Szent István Campus, Gödöllő
Registrar's Office, Gödöllő, Páter K. u. 1. 2nd floor, #2059 room

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00-12:00 a.m.

Please, make an appointment using the link:

Tessedik Campus, Research Institute of Irrigation and Water Management, Registrar’s Office, 5540 Szarvas, Szabadság út 1-3.
Wednesday 8.00-12.00 a.m. and 13.00-15.00 p.m.

Buda Campus, Registrar’s Office
Until 30th October: Monday-Wednesday-Friday 9.00-12.00 a.m.
After 2nd November: Wednesday 9.00-12.00 a.m.

1118 Budapest, Villányi út 29-43.
Building K, Rooms 204, 208, 223

Károly Róbert Campus, Gyöngyös: Registrar’s Office, 3200 Gyöngyös, Mátrai u. 36. Building A Room 2.001
Wednesday 9.00 - 11.30 a.m.

Kaposvár Campus, Registrar’s Office
Faculty of Pedagogy, Faculty of Economic Science, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Kaposvár, Guba S. u. 40. Rotunda 1st floor, Room 101

Rippl-Rónai Faculty of Arts: Kaposvár, Bajcsy-Zs. u. 10. 1st floor
Thursday 12:00 - 15:00 p.m.

Georgikon Campus, Keszthely: Directorate of Academic Affairs, 8360. Keszthely, Deák Ferenc utca 16. Building A 2nd floor
09.00- 11.00 a.m. and 13.00- 15.00 p.m.

Information on the Validity of Student Cards/Certificates

Student Card Administration

The application, issuing, withdrawal and validation of student cards are regulated by Government Decree 362/2011 (XII. 30.) on Education Related Identification Cards (hereinafter ‘student cards’).

A student having active student status at MATE is entitled to request for a student card. Based on the NEK form in Neptun system, a student can submit his/her first student card request free of charge electronically via Neptun system. The student card request has no deadline.

According to Government Decree 362/2011 (XII. 30.) on Education Related Identification Cards, a student can have only one higher education student card at a time. If the student studies at several institutions at the same time, or attends other training programmes of the institution, or the education of his/her course takes place in several locations (cities), he/she can request this fact to be indicated on the required student card. Student card request should be submitted from the institution in which the student has an active student status. If the student participates in several forms of training programmes at the same time (e.g. full-time and correspondence training), he/she can use the student card that offers more benefits.

According to Section 3 (1) of Government Decree 362/2011, "education related identification cards in higher education are valid until 31 March of the 9th year from the date of issue the latest".


Requesting your Student Card in Brief:

  • Go to the Governmental Office
  • NEK form – Neptun system
  • Register your student card request in Neptun system
  • Certificate for reduced transport fares
  • Correcting errors in your request
  • Receiving your student card
  • Validating your student card
  • Alteration to your student card data
  • Lost or damaged student card
  • Expired, invalid/withdrawn student card

Go to the Governmental Office

Student card administration is based on the NEK form, which is valid for 5 years according to the current regulation. NEK form is issued by a Governmental Office (in Hungarian: Okmányiroda /Kormányablak) where your personal data and signature are registered, and a profile photo is taken. Incorrect data in NEK form can only be corrected at the Governmental Office!

NEK form – Neptun system

After having your NEK form and before you submit your student card request, you must compare your data in Neptun system with the data in the NEK form. If you notice any difference in the data, you should contact the Registrar’s Office and request the correction of your data.

Register your student card request in Neptun system

You need to register your student card request in Neptun system. Select “Administration” > “Student Card request”, where your NEK Identifier (at the top right corner of your NEK form) have to be entered.

“Demand types” can be "First request", "Change in data", "Damaged card", "Lost card".

If you are entitled to request a student card at more than one faculties or forms of training course, it is necessary to check your “Training” (top left corner in your Neptun account) before registering your request.  The faculties and forms of training are automatically added to your request when registering it, so please, double-check them.

“Your address”: Please select your permanent home address (in your home country) from the drop-down menu. It is important to enter an address that is officially registered in Hungary, which means that you must have a special address card. If you do not have a Hungarian address card, you need to choose your permanent home address, otherwise your request will be rejected.

Certificate for reduced transport fares

Students can request for a temporary student ID paper (i.e. a certificate for reduced transport fares) at MATE Registrar’s Office until their permanent student cards are not ready.

Without requesting a student card, a temporary certificate valid for 60 days can be issued to a non-Hungarian student who has a scholarship for less than twelve months, and to a student who changes his/her institution and the new institution cannot register the student and submit his/her request due to the transition period from the previous one.

Correcting errors in your request

You can check the status of your request in Neptun system or on  website by entering your educational ID.

If you see “NEK production rejected” status, it means that your request contains an error/errors.

You can check the error description in Neptun system. Select “Administration”, then click on “Student Card Administration” and finally on “Error Description”. If you do not see the cause of the error, ask for help at the Governmental Office where the student card is administered. After the error has been corrected, the request is submitted to the Educational Authority again.

Receiving your student card

Student cards are issued within 45-60 days of submitting your request. The Educational Authority sends the new student cards to the institution by post. You can check the status of your request in Neptun system, where you can see if your student card is ready. You will receive a Neptun message about the delivery of your student card.

Validating your student card

If you have an active student status, you will be provided with a student card validation sticker every semester which includes the validity period, the serial number of the sticker and the letter code of the institution.

Expiry date of the 1st semester stickers: 31st March, 2nd semester: 31st  October.  One student is entitled to one validation sticker in a semester. If you lose the sticker, you have to pay an administration fee of HUF 3,500.

Alteration to your student card data

You need to request for a new student card if there is a change in your personal data, address or your form of training.

Lost or damaged student card

If your student card is lost, stolen, damaged, destroyed, you must report it to the Registrar’s Office and you can request for a new student card electronically in Neptun system. A damaged student card should be handed over, otherwise you should declare that it has been lost or stolen. If your student card is lost or damaged, the validation sticker is also lost or damaged. Since one student is entitled to one validation sticker in a semester, you will have to pay an administration fee of HUF 3,500 in this case, too.

Expired, invalid/withdrawn student card

Upon termination of the student status, the student card shall be withdrawn. The University shall report the termination of the student status to the Educational Authority. The student is entitled to use the validated student card until 31st March in case of the first semester and until 31st October in case of the second semester. If the student loses the card within the eligibility period, a certificate can be issued for him/her as a replacement.