SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth - Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
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SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
Last modified: 09. November 2024
We promote inclusive economic development, aiming to reduce unemployment and support sustainable agricultural practices. Through our academic programs and research, we work to influence policies that enhance job creation, protect labour rights, and encourage fair economic practices. By embracing the principles of SDG 8, we envision a future where dignified employment is accessible to everyone and economic growth benefits all, paving the way for a brighter future.
In line with our commitment to decent work and economic growth, the Accelerate Future HEI project exemplifies our proactive approach to enhancing the entrepreneurial capacities of higher education institutions, ensuring that they effectively contribute to a resilient and future-ready workforce.
The Accelerate Future HEI Project
The Accelerate Future HEI project aims to transform higher education institutions (HEIs) across Europe by boosting their entrepreneurial and innovative capabilities. The Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE) collaborates with partners like TUM International GmbH, Instituto Superior Técnico, and UC Leuven to support economic and social development. This international partnership enables HEIs to assess their current capacities, develop acceleration services, and create tailored “transformation roadmaps.”
The project offers targeted skills development programs that provide HEI staff with the knowledge and tools necessary to cultivate a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation. An independent acceleration board oversees these strategies to ensure quality and promote institutional growth. Additionally, the project generates policy feedback for the European Commission, sharing best practices and insights to maximize impact.
Aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG 8), which emphasizes inclusive economic growth and decent work for all, the Accelerate Future HEI project helps HEIs create sustainable solutions for workforce development. By fostering innovation, promoting job creation, and supporting lifelong learning, the project enhances HEIs' ability to adapt to changing market needs. Ultimately, this initiative seeks to empower HEIs as key drivers of sustainable economic growth and resilience, contributing to a future-ready workforce across Europe.
For detailed information see the topics by clicking on the chapters:
1. Employment practice living wage
2. Employment practice unions
3. Employment policy on discrimination
4. Employment policy modern slavery
5. Employment practice equivalent rights outsourcing
6. Employment policy pay scale equity
7. Tracking pay scale for gender equity
8. Employment practice appeal process
9. Employment practice labour rights
1. Employment practice living wage
MATE pays all staff and faculty at least the living wage - defined as the local living wage (if government defines this) or the local financial poverty indicator for a family of four (expressed as an hourly wage).
This is regulated by the 12/2023 (IV.03.) Rector's Instruction on Ensuring Equal Opportunities and Equal Treatment at the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences - 12/2023 (IV.03.) számú rektori utasítás a Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetemen az esélyegyenlőség és az egyenlő bánásmód biztosításáról (p. 5) (See it below.). Information on the topic can be found in chapter 5., EQUAL OPPORTUNITY OF EMPLOYEES AT THE UNIVERSITY in the section Ensuring equal opportunities for people employed by the University:
“(2) The University does not discriminate directly or indirectly against employees under s.21 of the Equal Treatment Act (Egyenlő bánásmód törvény), in particular in relation to:
(f) in the determination and provision of the benefits due under the employment relationship or other employment relationship, including in particular wages and benefits guaranteed by the relevant legal provisions;”
12_2023_IV.03._Rektori utasítás_Esélyegyenlőség és egyenlő bánásmód
2. Employment practice unions
MATE recognises unions and labour rights (freedom of association and collective bargaining) for all, including women and international staff. This is stated in 12/2023 (IV.03.) Rector's Instruction on Ensuring Equal Opportunities and Equal Treatment at the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences (12/2023 (IV.03.) számú rektori utasítás a Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetemen az esélyegyenlőség és az egyenlő bánásmód biztosításáról). (See it below.)
Unions and labour rights (freedom of association and collective bargaining)
The University does not directly or indirectly discriminate against employees in relation to membership of or participation in advocacy organisations in accordance with s.21 of the Equal Treatment Act (Egyenlő bánásmód törvény 21. S). (In: chapter 5, EQUAL OPPORTUNITY OF EMPLOYEES AT THE UNIVERSITY in the section Ensuring equal opportunities for people employed by the University, p. 5).
There are several unions at the university:
- Agricultural and Research Workers' Union (Agrároktatási és Kutatási Dolgozók Szakszervezete, AOKDSZ)
- Union of Higher Education Employees (Felsőoktatási Dolgozók Szakszervezete, FDSZ)
- Democratic Trade Union of Scientific Workers (Tudományos Dolgozók Demokratikus Szakszervezete, TDDSZ)
3. Employment policy on discrimination
MATE’s policy on ending discrimination in the workplace (including discrimination based on religion, sexuality, gender, age or refugee status) is stated in the Gender Equality Plan 2022-2024. The document provides an overview of the current status of gender equality at the University - considering different aspects, including employees and students, identifies the needs and measures which should be determined during the implementation period, and finally envisage an action plan to promote progress towards the proposed goals.
MATE can continuously monitor the implementation of Gender Equality Plan, a Gender Equality Group has been set up, consisting of two women and two men appointed by the rector. It is responsible for raising strategic questions and ensuring the action plan is followed up, by setting priorities and raising issues at meetings. Gender equality, gender balance and diversity are important viewpoints that are to be integrated into all management training and other training at MATE.
Goals in the period of 2022-2024
The following main goals will be the top priority in the action plan period:
- Higher rate of women in academic positions and academic management positions,
- Better gender balance in research and innovation areas,
- Strengthening the work on diversity at MATE,
- Increased ambitions to hold back harassment with the main focus on sexual harassment.
Key priority areas
- Work-life balance and organisation culture
Family-friendly policies and measures
Promoting equal access to training programmes - Gender balance in leadership and decision-making
Diagnoses - Gender equality in recruitment and career progression
Recruitment initiatives
Career initiatives - Integration of the gender dimension into research and teaching content
- Gender-based violence, sexual harassmentóság/mate_gep_terv_2022_2024
4. Employment policy modern slavery
MATE is committed to fighting forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour.
The employment policy of the University is stated in the following documents:
1. 12/2023 (IV.03.) Rector's Instruction on Ensuring Equal Opportunities and Equal Treatment at the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences (12/2023 (IV.03.) számú rektori utasítás a Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetemen az esélyegyenlőség és az egyenlő bánásmód biztosításáról).
12_2023_IV.03._Rektori utasítás_Esélyegyenlőség és egyenlő bánásmód
2. Organisational and Operational Rules of the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences - Volume 11: Employment Requirements System (Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem Szervezeti és Működési Szabályzata, 11. Kötet: Foglalkoztatási Követelményrendszer)
Szervezei és Működési Szabályzat II. kötet, Foglalkoztatási Követelmény Rendszer (FKR) (aláírt)
5. Employment practice equivalent rights outsourcing
MATE's Organisational and Operational Rules of the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences - Volume 11: Employment Requirements System (Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem Szervezeti és Működési Szabályzata, 11. Kötet: Foglalkoztatási Követelményrendszer) regulates the rights and obligations of staff:
5§ (1) The University, as the employer, and the persons exercising rights as employers on behalf of the University [...] shall act in accordance with the principle of equal treatment in the establishment, modification and termination of employment relationships.
After the transfer to a third party, it is the third party who is obliged to ensure the equal rights of employees in compliance with Act II of 2012 on the Labour Code and Act CXXV of 2003 on equal treatment and the promotion of equal opportunities.
Szervezeti és Működési Szabályzat II. kötet, Foglalkoztatási Követelmény Rendszer (FKR) (aláírt)
6. Employment policy pay scale equity
MATE’s policy on pay scale equity including a commitment to measurement and elimination of gender pay gaps is stated in the Gender Equality Plan 2022-2024. The document provides an overview of the current status of gender equality at the University - considering different aspects, including employees and students, identifies the needs and measures which should be determined during the implementation period, and finally envisage an action plan to promote progress towards the proposed goals.
MATE can continuously monitor the implementation of Gender Equality Plan, a Gender Equality Group has been set up, consisting of two women and two men appointed by the rector. It is responsible for raising strategic questions and ensuring the action plan is followed up, by setting priorities and raising issues at meetings. Gender equality, gender balance and diversity are important viewpoints that are to be integrated into all management training and other training at MATE.
Goals in the period of 2022-2024
The following main goals will be the top priority in the action plan period:
- Higher rate of women in academic positions and academic management positions,
- Better gender balance in research and innovation areas,
- Strengthening the work on diversity at MATE,
- Increased ambitions to hold back harassment with the main focus on sexual harassment.
Key priority areas
- Work-life balance and organisation culture
Family-friendly policies and measures
Promoting equal access to training programmes - Gender balance in leadership and decision-making
Diagnoses - Gender equality in recruitment and career progression
Recruitment initiatives
Career initiatives - Integration of the gender dimension into research and teaching content
- Gender-based violence, sexual harassmentóság/mate_gep_terv_2022_2024
7. Tracking pay scale for gender equity
MATE continuously monitors the implementation of Gender Equality Plan, and prepares annual reports on measurement or tracking results of pay scale gender equity. ANNUAL GENDER EQUALITY REPORT is a valuable document that allows us to understand the complexity of our community in terms of the differences that distinguish it and, above all, the gaps that still pervade it and to set targeted policies that help to implement the 2022-2024 Gender Equality Plan.
Achievements of 2023 at MATE:
• The AGRIGEP project was started on the 1st of January 2023:
AGRIGEP – 101094158 (2023-2025): Assessment and Implementation of Agriculture and Life Science Universities’ first Gender Equality Plans in widening countries
About the project:
Gender inequality is a major constraint on the capacity and capability of research and education institutions in the field of Research and Development (R&D). The EU is tackling the problem by introducing mandatory Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) in R&D institutions, but different skills, capacities and expertise are hampering effective implementation. Gender inequality problems may be more pronounced in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields, for which concrete action plans already exist. However, STEM fields are not homogeneous, with institutions in agriculture and life sciences facing very similar problems, but lacking sector-specific measures and plans to address the problem. Moreover, in the field of agriculture, many students come to EU research and education institutions from developing countries where there is a marked sector-specific gender imbalance.
• The GEP strategy implementation was continued in line with the AGRIGEP project.
See the annual report 2023 for further details:óság/2023-annual-gender-equality-report_mate
8. Employment practice appeal process
Process for employees to appeal on employee rights and/or pay is stated in MATE’s Internal abuse reporting system (Belső visszaélés-bejelentési rendszer). It is an internal abuse reporting system based on the provisions of Act XXV of 2023 on complaints, abuses in the public interest and rules related to the reporting of abuse. The internal abuse reporting system allows you to report information about illegal or suspected illegal acts or omissions or other misconduct.
You can report to the internal abuse reporting system if you are:
a) an employee of the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences as an employer,
b) an employee whose employment relationship with the employer has been terminated, and
(c) a person who wishes to establish an employment relationship with the employer and for whom the procedure for the establishment of such a relationship has been initiated.
You can report to the internal abuse reporting system also if you are:
(a) a self-employed person, a sole proprietorship, a sole proprietorship if it has a contractual relationship with the employer,
(b) a person who holds a share in the employer and a person who is a member of the administrative, management or supervisory body of the employer, including a non-executive member,
(c) a person who has initiated a procedure for establishing a contractual relationship with the employer, or who is or has been a contractor, subcontractor, supplier or person under the supervision and direction of a contractor,
(d) trainees and volunteers working for the employer,
(e) a person who wishes to enter into a legal or contractual relationship with the employer within the meaning of points (a), (b) or (d) and for whom the procedure for the establishment of such a legal or contractual relationship has been initiated, and
(f) a person who has ceased to have a legal or contractual relationship with the employer within the meaning of points (a), (b) or (d).
Method of notification:
The notifier may make the notification in writing or orally.
9. Employment practice labour rights
MATE as a body recognises labour rights (freedom of association & collective bargaining) for all, including women & international staff. This is stated in 12/2023 (IV.03.) Rector's Instruction on Ensuring Equal Opportunities and Equal Treatment at the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences (12/2023 (IV.03.) számú rektori utasítás a Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetemen az esélyegyenlőség és az egyenlő bánásmód biztosításáról). (See it below.)
Labour rights (freedom of association and collective bargaining)
The University does not directly or indirectly discriminate against employees in relation to membership of or participation in advocacy organisations in accordance with s.21 of the Equal Treatment Act (Egyenlő bánásmód törvény 21. S). (In: chapter 5, EQUAL OPPORTUNITY OF EMPLOYEES AT THE UNIVERSITY in the section Ensuring equal opportunities for people employed by the University, p. 5).
Equal Opportunities Committee (Esélyegyenlőségi Bizottság)
The Senate has established an Equal Opportunities Committee to ensure equal opportunities. The 12-member Committee may request clarification and information from the relevant departments of the University on any University decision that infringes the requirement of equal access to all equal opportunities and may propose the necessary measures to remedy the infringement. In the event of any incident, decision or omission in the operation of the university that violates the requirement of equal opportunity, it may request information from the departments concerned and propose the measures necessary to remedy the violation.
The Committee is responsible for:
- institutional coordination of equal opportunities;
- monitoring the implementation of equal opportunities;
- Developing an Equal Opportunities Plan and monitoring its implementation;
- Contributing to the implementation of the Gender Equality Plan (GEP) project;
- Reviewing registration applications from students with disabilities;
- providing the EDJB with opinions on requests for disability-related benefits and exemptions from students with disabilities, preparing decisions;
- Investigating complaints about violations of equal opportunities, forwarding the complaint to the Ethics Committee, if necessary, while informing the Rector;
- monitoring the proportional representation of women and men in the functioning of the University;
- detecting cases of discrimination and actions that violate the proportional representation of women and initiating their elimination;
- monitoring the implementation of measures taken to improve equal opportunities for disabled university citizens and, if necessary, proposing such measures;
- monitoring the implementation of equal opportunities for employees with large families, single parents or employees belonging to minorities, and proposing the elimination of any discrimination;
- in particular, monitoring research and interventions targeting disadvantaged, multiply disadvantaged, ethnic minority, foreign students, disabled university students.